Guys, you want to show your lady that she is your very special Valentine. Instead of the old stand-by of flowers or a chocolate box, try small, pretty trinkets. You can mix and match a necklace and bracelet, hand picked by you, to show her how special she is. Match her eyes or her moods with your choice, and be sure to enclose a card explaining why the jewelry reminded you of her. A sweetly romantic idea that can't go wrong is candles; a girl can never have enough scented candles or pretty holders; there is something about candle light that captures a woman's soul. Pack a special gift bag with wonderful indulgences like flavored lip glosses or bath items. A cute stuffed animal tops off a perfect gift selection for your sweetie. Chocolates are always welcome, but try putting them in a special gift box or bag this year to make your gift stand out. Flowers are a great idea, but give them to her in a beautiful vase that will last long after the flowers have faded.
For the ladies, every year his Valentine's Day gift holds the same choices for him; magazine subscriptions, gift slips, and ties. Try something different this year. A hand picked gift will hold even more meaning for him; some aroma therapy items to help him unwind after a stressful day, a photo frame with your favorite picture of the two of you, or a framed art piece that reminds you of him. This is the time to indulge his favorite pass times; think of a theme that he loves, and pick a few small gifts to fit that theme. Find a special gift wrap or gift bag for a one-of-a-kind gift this year.
Don't forget mum and dad this Valentine's Day. Some great ideas for Valentine's Day gifts for parents could include eye-catching home decor items that they might not otherwise buy for themselves. Garden decoration items are a welcome reminder that spring is right around the corner. An I.O.U. in a card is another great idea; write one thing you will do for them this year from helping around the house to washing their cars, or anything you can imagine. Mum and dad probably don't go out to dinner as often as they should; get them a gift slip to their favorite restaurant this year.
On Valentine's Day, remember the kids. Some small toys or stuffed animals are a great way to show your junior Valentines that you think they are special; these are much healthier for them than chocolates or candy.
Think of unique ways to put a twist on the classic chocolate boxes and flowers, and spice up your selections with champagne. Your Valentine will love the extra thought you put into your gifts this year.
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